What we offer: Sustainable solutions for a greener future.

Sedera Plus is managing and developing renewable energy projects (wind & solar) in Romania (approx. 130MW) and Republic of Moldova (approx. 100 MW).

Business/Project development



Start up assistance

Start up assistance

Sedera is a Romania based company providing high-level assistance to international and local companies, interested to invest, develop or extend their clean & sustainable businesses. Sedera was founded by Marcela Lefter – an energy professional, experienced in energy sector for about 20 years, including power distribution and renewable energy with strong legal background, management and analytical skills.

At the moment, Sedera Plus is managing and developing renewable energy projects (wind & solar) in Romania (approx. 130MW) and Republic of Moldova (approx. 100 MW).

We believe and struggle for a clean and safe environment for the next generations & creating a sustainable future for everyone in this world.

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From idea to realization


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